EasySIM LXP defines a new paradigm in delivering a competency-driven personalized deep learning experience to an organization. This platform is positioned not as a pre-defined stringent feature-EasySIM LXP defines a new paradigm in delivering a competency-driven personalized deep learning experience software to an organization. This platform is positioned not as a pre-defined stringent feature-rich generic technology product but comes as a strategic solution and customizable and configurable platform that can be integrated with all the available internal and external learning feeds to create a holistic and comprehensive continuously personalized learning environment.
EasySIM’s competency mapped simulations provide realistic work scenarios that enable employees to make informed choices and experience the repercussions of those choices within those scenarios, ensuring cognitive engagement through an immersive and adaptive learning experience.
The platform has been designed using the Design Thinking Principles and presents a user-friendly intuitive interface that requires no technical background to design and develop fluidic responsive AI, multimedia, multilanguage-enabled competency-mapped configurable learning simulations and other learning resources.