Current Trends in Corporate Training to Increase Returns on Your Human Capital Investment

Current Trends in Corporate Training to Increase Returns on Your Human Capital Investment

Current Trends in Corporate Training to Increase Returns on Your Human Capital Investment

Current Trends in Corporate Training to Increase Returns on Your Human Capital Investment

Current trends in the training and development industry show a shift towards more intelligent systems within the learning ecosystem. Global Human Capital Trends report 2019* intimated the need for a “radical change” in corporate training.

The shift points to the growing demand for active, user-focused learning that provides learners the experience of performing and practicing, thereby, enhancing their professional skill set needed for success in current and future roles.

While there are many companies jumping into the learning business, throwing around buzzwords like- Gamification or Gamified learning, situational-based learning, and simulation-based learning, etc., however, organizations often find themselves stuck with uninspiring content in the name of upskilling, with an expensive price tag offering little in the way of any measurable performance enhancement.

Our extensive study of L&D practices across industries and functions and decades of experience in the L&D space tells us the challenges, almost without exceptions, are-

  • Lack of clear understanding of the learners’ needs
  • Lack of tacit knowledge of the product or procedures, thus the inadequate relevancy and applicability of the content
  • Lack of collaborative framework, resulting in inefficiency, elevated training costs with poor productivity

EasySIM, a pathbreaking Simulated Learning and Performance Cloud (SLPC), breaks the cycle of investing in training programs that fail to yield measurable results.

EasySIM, a competency-based branching simulation platform with a proprietary easy to use branching algorithm, allows stakeholders to use their tacit knowledge and collaborate to build interactive and engaging branching simulations in-house, without any prior programming knowledge, reducing the costs while gaining real results.

EasySIM offers a cloud-based platform for your internal resources to build scenarios simulating real work situations mapped with role-critical competencies to train and assess your employees’ performance. Its unique algorithm provides a complete and well-rounded competency-based assessment of the employees’ job-critical skills. The assessments identify performance gaps by highlighting the learners’ strengths and areas of improvement while ranking them against their peers.

This standalone cloud can be used for soft-skills training, applicant screening, and performance assessment and can seamlessly integrate into your organization’s learning ecosystem.

EasySIM‘s KPI-oriented user-friendly proprietary model directly links learning to job performance, thus accelerating learning, increasing ROI, and driving business efficiency.

*Source:- Deloitte Global Human Capital Trends report 2019

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