Covid-19 has brought many global organizations to a standstill. Even after two years, they are still reeling from its aftereffects. And now, organizations are preparing themselves for the upcoming recession, which is predicted to bring more devastating consequences.
To lower the overall impact and survive in such hostile market forces, organizations are now adopting cost-cutting strategies and are reducing recurring expenses to optimize profit margins. They are either laying off employees or assessing training needs to upskill and reskill their existing workforce to increase work productivity and efficiency in the organization.
Currently, organizations are inclined towards retaining their existing employees and upskill them rather than firing them due to the fact that retaining current employees is comparatively much cheaper than recruiting new ones. No wonder upskilling programs are in demand in today’s business world, which assists organizations in withstanding the current shortage of resources and skills emerging in the job market.
Yet, organizations are still encountering obstacles even after embracing engaging and relevant upskilling programs. To resolve such challenges, concerned parties need to discover the root cause and understand what and why they are currently facing such problems.
This is why we have listed and highlighted some of the challenges below to ensure you get a basic idea of where to start:

1. Insufficient time and resources
In the fast-paced work environment, an employee’s mind sometimes plays a tug-of-war between choosing to deliver client-based work commitments or completing learning events. When such a thing happens, learning takes a backseat, and employees lose interest in learning new skill sets. Employees then get trapped in the loop of endless lackluster work and no longer devote as much time to training programs as they should. Sometimes, organizations also do the similar thing by prioritizing delivering work commitments over conducting training programs due to time and cost budget constraints, which always leaves employees in a bad state.
With EasySIM, organizations can address such problems quickly. EasySIM is a cloud-based competency mapped simulated training and performance solutions platform which is affordable and accessible. Delivering learning and development programs through this platform can benefit the employees as they can easily assess the skill gaps and bridge them with JIT learning events from anywhere, anytime, and on any device, such as mobile phones. The platform also allows organizations to manage their talent pipeline and associated every evolving competency matrix.
2. Skill shortage
Skill shortage is one of the main challenges organizations across the globe face. Nearly 19% of skills needed today will become obsolete in the next three years. It’s very challenging for organizations to bridge the skills gaps among the workforce without knowing what skills are relevant to the current job roles and what will be required in future to execute assigned job responsibilities.
EasySIM helps organizations in curating and developing meaningful competency mapped learning experiences. It helps organizations align their long-term goals with employees’ skill requirements to produce meaningful upskilling learning programs that will positively impact the organization. The platform helps conduct in-depth skills and proficiency analysis and facilitates creation, deployment and management of learning resources as per employees’ job role and scenarios to derive better learning outcomes and work productivity.
3. Micro-managing each employee’s learning and development initiatives
It’s a fact that most managers or supervisors are in the habit of directly managing performance-based training programs, which negatively impacts the employees as it puts immense pressure on them and deviates their attention from attaining the actual goal or objective. Organizations micro-manage each step of their employees and don’t allow them to take control of their learning curve, which demotivates them to do more.
EasySIM helps organizations monitor their employees’ performance and skills progress and track their achievements while allowing them to take charge of their learning path to gain mastery over associated competencies and skills quickly. It also provides deep analytical feedback and program recommendations to employees looking to upskill themselves and improve their subject knowledge.
4. Lack of upskilling learning initiatives
In a situation where recession and another pandemic outbreak are almost at the doorstep while organizations are still dealing with Covid-19 consequences, employees do not have a profound motivation or inclination to learn something new. As the economy goes down, there is widespread fear among employees of losing a job at the back of their minds, leaving no space for thinking about training. The continuously changing business landscape into the mix also inflates the stressful situation to the next level. Furthermore, organizations are still determining what skill sets are relevant or what will be in future, as it will be a waste of time, money and effort to direct employees to learn something new, only to discover afterwards that those skills are obsolete.
EasySIM assists organizations in clearly defining their goals, skills requirements, and how it is relevant to the job so that employees can work on gaining mastery of those skills. Through the platform, each employee is assigned training programs based on assessments conducted by organizations. These assessments help map and manage employees’ competency and recommend programs relevant to their jobs. And it also helps in simplifying an employee’s life so that they can devote more time to their training without any stress and improve their work productivity and performance ROI.
If an organization successfully overcomes these challenges, then there is no stopping them from grabbing the top position in the market. Having skilled employees is a boon for any organization. They perform the assigned task successfully, increasing work productivity and, in turn, maximizing the organization’s profit margins. Therefore, organizations must provide upskilling training programs in uncertain times to support employees’ learning growth and facilitate an engaging learning environment.